All children are welcome to connect-explore-experience.
The Sunday school team is ready to re-connect with children downstairs for Sunday School. We begin upstairs at 10:30 am. Children are then invited to go downstairs for their own special Sunday school experience and explore God's love!

Every first Monday of the month from Oct-June NUC hosts Messy Church. We are working on ways to bring the awesome news of Jesus and God's love.
Next Messy Church - Monday, February 3, 2025
Check out our Facebook page for more updates.
NUC Sunday School and Messy Church has begun the SCAW campaign which will run through the summer. $40 each kit. These make a wonderful gift for those who have everything!

For some people and families, attending a regular worship service is overwhelming or is not an option but feel it important to grow in their faith. For parents, it's to give their children an opportunity to explore and experience God through the teachings of Jesus.
The 5 key points of Messy Church are:
- hospitality
- creativity
- celebration
- being all-age
- being Christ-centered
Messy Church is a way of being church that is for all ages, on a day other than Sunday. It involves a welcome; a time of getting to know those around you. A story from the bible or season of the church & crafts associated with the message and is wrapped up with song and prayer and everyone sitting down for a meal.
Norwich United Church - 80 Main St. W.
Messy Church is held in the Lower hall of the church. Enter through the front doors where a snack awaits as we gather.
Messy Church is held once a month, on the first Monday of the month beginning with a social time at 4:30 pm and sitting down to a supper at 6:00 pm during the school year (October to June). We operate solely on donations and those marked will receive an donation receipt at the end of the year. Thank you
Messy Church is about worshiping God, fellowship, and exploring faith. Everyone is welcome, everyone can get involved, and everyone is valued. We ARE church - we help families encounter God, teaching the values of Christ. We do expect children under 12 are accompanied by an adult or someone who can be responsible for them.
High school age kids that are looking for volunteer hours can come and pitch in, we can always use extra hands. Just contact the church office to get started!
As we said before - ALL ARE WELCOME. We will do our best to accommodate all special needs that come through our doors.
Any other concerns, such as use of the elevator, can be addressed ahead of time simply by contacting the church office.

SCAW (Sleeping Children Around the World) & the Gifts with Vision catalogue is on hold due to Covid. for more information you may contact JoEllen or Linda in the church office for more information.
SCAW (Sleeping Children around the World). Each kit provides the necessary to give each child hope and a good night sleep; ground mat, quilt, pillow and case, bed sheets, blanket mosquito net and much more. For only $40 you can give hope to these children. Make a gift in memory, in honour or special occasion. For more info, contact the church.
To Parents/ Caregivers/ Adults:
What is Messy Church?
A time of learning about God, eating
together, and most of all fun!
As people filter in, we start the evening off with catching up with each other and meeting new friends. Then we often head upstairs to the sanctuary to learn a story. Our pastor, Janice, tells a short but riveting interpretation from the bible and teaches us how we can apply it to our lives. We then head down to the Lower hall to try our hands at a craft or two. A banner is a likely project where all are invited to take part in creating. Then, you guessed it, supper time!! A hearty meal is provided, and we always remember to celebrate birthdays and eat dessert.
When is it?
The first Monday evening of every month, at Norwich United Church.
When should you arrive?
4:30pm doors open. Story, crafts and fun at 5:00. Free Family sit-down Supper at 6:00 pm.
Who is welcome?
Anyone and everyone is invited!. You will find the story and crafts are wonderful for kids of all ages! This is a great opportunity for busy families that may not always be able to attend a traditional service on a Sunday morning. A free dinner is provided.
So share the news and come on out! We love having new friends join the fun!