Reference form

Thank you to all who sponsored NUC's Summer Day Camp Program! You made a lot of kids have a great summer while providing quality child care for families. 

Vista - Gift Card Program

An ongoing gift card fundraiser for the Summer Camp Program.

Cards make an easy & perfect gift for others and yourself! Use your cards anywhere such as grocery/gas, retail, restaurants etc. and since some stores and business are not accepting cash or prefer cards, this makes shopping a little more convenient. Contact Diane Tribe at 226-228-2788 and receive a form of the list and arrange ordering. Thank you from the Summer Camp Committee.

Next Vista order is Sunday, November 3, 2024

Forms are available by contacting the church office. 

Find activities for the children on the Summer Camp Facebook page. 

Thank you to all the camp supporters! You made it possible. 

   NUC Summer Camp Fundraiser             

The NUC Summer Camp Program has a cookbook for sale with over 400 recipes! - only $10. These make nice gifts.

Address: NUC Summer Camp Program
80 Main St. W Box 183, Norwich ON     N0J 1P0

